The Switch to Nikon

A Nikon system has been looming over my head for the past year. I have always liked the underdog, and that is why I have centered my film camera system around Minolta's. However, I have been planning eventually to acquire a full frame DSLR and I like to use prime lenses. Prime lenses for DSLR's are typically very expensive and since I already have a rather large collection of manual focus prime lenses, why not use those? My original idea was to stick with my Minolta lenses, and use a Sony a7 with an adapter and use the focus peaking feature. The more I researched this possibility, the more I realized the pain it would be. First I read about issues with focus peaking, then battery life issues with the a7, and finally the fact that the Sony has an electronic viewfinder. I have tested camera's with EVF's and I don't find them a replacement for a large, full frame optical viewfinder. After these considerations, I axed the A7 off my wish list.

This is where the Nikon system has it's tail high in the air and completely obliterates almost every other camera system (the biggest exception would be Leica and their M mount). As many know, Canon and Minolta completely changed their mount when they moved from manual focus lenses to auto focus lenses. Manual focus Nikon's on the other hand mount directly to most auto focus Nikon bodies, assuming of course that they are AI lenses, which none of my current lenses are, more on that another time.

If you have been following this blog, I got a Nikon F2 almost a year ago, and it has mostly sat on the shelf. The main reason for this was that I really didn't give the 50mm f2 lens a chance and I had to learn how to expose correctly with the 40 year old meter. Now that I have shot a few more rolls through the camera, I have pretty much convinced this is the system for me. Not only are Nikon's built beautifully, they are tough as nails. My F2 has suffered some falls and has appeared no worse for wear. The Nikkormat FTn that I purchased along with a 300mm f4.5 is equally as solid.

This will be a simple post, I won't be getting too detailed about lenses, film, etc. Those will come soon. I have yet to use the 300mm f4.5 yet so none of these images will have been taken with that lens.

Nikon F2 w/ Nikkor-H 300mm f4.5

The optional soft shutter release is an excellent upgrade. Mine isn't a factory Nikon one and it works just fine. 
Nikkormat FTn w/ Nikkor 105mm f2.5. An excellent lens with superb sharpness. The 135mm f3.5 might be a little sharper, but the focal length isn't as convenient, at least for me. 
Taken with Nikon F2 w/ 200mm f4. This lens is extremely sharp and is a must have telephoto.
Taken with Nikon F2 w/ 135mm f3.5. This lens has excellent separation.
Taken with Nikon F2 w/ 50mm f2.
Nikon F2 w/ 105mm f2.5
Nikon F2 w/ 105mm f2.5


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