When to Buy, and When Not to Buy

If you are like me, you've been in this situation more times than you remember. Strolling through a flea market, scavenging the thrift store, just looking for a nice case that says "film camera - $25" and are greeted with a glorious Nikon rangefinder with 2 lenses and host of accessories, donated by some clueless person. It will glow upon upon it's opening as you salivate over your treasured find. These are very nice dreams I have late at night, in my deep slumber.

Reality is of course is that you walk into a second hand store, and look at some old Polaroid camera's and maybe a "Sears Super whatever the hell they called those things".  Hopes and dreams absolutely shattered. NOW, don't get me wrong, I have found some very nice things for very cheap, but it only happens once in a blue moon, so when the time comes when you do come across something decent, your reaction is to buy. But I discourage this behavior. I have been burned and stuck with junk that I got a little too excited about and it becomes a bigger pain down the road.


Last weekend, I was strolling through an antique shop (terrible place to buy vintage camera's, most of the time) and I come across a camera bag. Inside is a very nice Yashica SLR. Now, the camera I wasn't very excited about, however the lens was tempting me beyond belief. A 50mm (ho-hum) f/1.4 (not ho-hum)! Not only was this a 1.4 lens, but it was in marvelous condition. It was a little dirty, but with a proper external cleaning, this lens would have looked strait out of the Yashinon factory. How much you ask, $30. Why didn't I buy?

1) The camera came with the original owner's manual and was in a very nice case. I am a believer that if a camera has lived 30 or 40 years with the same lens, and has also had all of it's accessories since new, that they shouldn't be separated. Since I was already only interested in the lens, the body would have just sat unforgotten, or sold.

2) I have Nikon equipment. Why would I throw a random Yashica in there? A Yashica rangefinder, yes, but a Yashica SLR, no thanks. The 50mm would have been used mainly for my Fuji  XE-1. However, that would have meant getting another adapter which adds complexity to my camera system, and I don't want that.

My advise is this, when it comes to passionate thrift store buys, many times that passion is short lived before you sit there, looking at your "prize find" like a one night stand. "What in the hell was I thinking?" Think rationally at thrift stores. If an obvious deal comes up, buy it. At least you could sell it to someone that will cherish it rather than collect mildew in your closet. But most of the time, I have learned to walk away.


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