Being a Formula 1 fan in America's Midwest

I am a minority in South Dakota. Not a minority that you are thinking of. My ancestry consists of Norwegians and Irish people. That's right, my family of the past had names like Lief Eriksson and plundered the lands of the Canadian northeast, while my relatives in Ireland looked at potatoes and flocks of sheep all day. Back to what I want to talk about, I am an outcast in this Midwestern society. I am a Formula 1 fan. That's right, not Nascar. People ask me, "did you watch the race yesterday," to which I cheerfully inform them that I like the European dominated F1. "Oh, you like Indy cars!" No, I'm afraid Indy cars are banging rocks onto others rocks to make shapes while Formula 1 has the most innovative engineering this side of NASA. I have nothing against Indy car racing apart from the poor regulations of their rules. I try to spread my love of F1, but it is shot down faster than a Messerschmidt in a dog fight with a P-51 Mustang and the glorious flying machine known as the Spitfire, but that is another story. I understand why Formula 1 isn't more popular in the United States. We want American drivers, and American teams. We want people drinking Budweiser and mowing down a hot dog after a race, not tea and crumpets. That being said, the U.S. has a F1 race scheduled this season and a street course over looking Manhattan in 2013. So please people of the glorious nation that is the United States of American, please set your alarm clocks to 3:00 am on a Sunday morning, and enjoy the sport that is Formula 1.


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