What is a Real Sport?

Every year everybody and their dog tune in to watch the glorious spectacle that is the Superbowl. Well I'm here to tell you that football is not the only sport. Basketball is not the only sport. And if you like to watch golf then you should consider some psychiatric help. I personally love hockey, but why just enjoy one sporting event? So, what sport should you like? Well, there is one sporting event that is considerably under-rated and for no good reason. Think about when you watch the summer Olympics. Do you watch men in tights with massive shoulder pads throwing around a ball that resembles your morning stools? No, chances are you like watching the track and field events. Well, you may be thinking, how can I watch track? Well, you could start off by getting off that recliner and venturing out into the world known as the outdoors, and go to your local high school or even college to watch.

Now consider this, track field was one of the earliest sporting events. People have enjoyed this sort of thing for thousands of years. What's not to like? Giant people throwing heavy things distances only equaled by Civil War cannons. Hurling javelins so far and fast that they are leaving jet airplanes in the dust. Then we have people grabbing poles and using them to jump over heights that even Sir Edmund Hillary wouldn't attempt. Sprinters, long distance runners, and long jumpers are other examples of events. So next time you think you need something different to watch, check out a track event, and enjoy it. My friend has a blog on throwing, I recommend reading it and checking out some track and field videos. Yes I know that was a undignified plug but I have very little dignity after Sally Strutherfield beat me up and stole my lunch in the 4th grade.


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